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- ;; BLOCK.tab -- Modified version of UCD Blocks.txt
- ;; Copyright (C) 2005
- ;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- ;; Registration Number H15PRO112
- ;; This file is part of the m17n database; a sub-part of the m17n
- ;; library.
- ;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
- ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- 0x0000-0x02AF latin
- 0x0370-0x03FF greek
- 0x0400-0x052F cyrillic
- 0x0530-0x058F armenian
- 0x0590-0x05FF hebrew
- 0x0600-0x06FF arabic
- 0x0700-0x074F syriac
- 0x0750-0x077F arabic
- 0x0780-0x07BF thaana
- 0x0900-0x097F devanagari
- 0x0980-0x09FF bengali
- 0x0A00-0x0A7F gurmukhi
- 0x0A80-0x0AFF gujarati
- 0x0B00-0x0B7F oriya
- 0x0B80-0x0BFF tamil
- 0x0C00-0x0C7F telugu
- 0x0C80-0x0CFF kannada
- 0x0D00-0x0D7F malayalam
- 0x0D80-0x0DFF sinhala
- 0x0E00-0x0E7F thai
- 0x0E80-0x0EFF lao
- 0x0F00-0x0FFF tibetan
- 0x1000-0x109F myanmar
- 0x10A0-0x10FF georgian
- 0x1100-0x11FF hangul
- 0x1200-0x137F ethiopic
- 0x1380-0x139F ethiopic
- 0x13A0-0x13FF cherokee
- 0x1400-0x167F canadian_aboriginal
- 0x1680-0x169F ogham
- 0x16A0-0x16FF runic
- 0x1700-0x171F tagalog
- 0x1720-0x173F hanunoo
- 0x1740-0x175F buhid
- 0x1760-0x177F tagbanwa
- 0x1780-0x17FF khmer
- 0x1800-0x18AF mongolian
- 0x1900-0x194F limbu
- 0x1950-0x197F tai_le
- 0x1980-0x19DF new_tai_lue
- 0x19E0-0x19FF khmer
- 0x1A00-0x1A1F buginese
- 0x1B00-0x1B7F balinese
- 0x1E00-0x1EFF latin
- 0x1F00-0x1FFF greek
- 0x2800-0x28FF braille
- 0x2C00-0x2C5F glagolitic
- 0x2C80-0x2CFF coptic
- 0x2D00-0x2D2F georgian
- 0x2D30-0x2D7F tifinagh
- 0x2D80-0x2DDF ethiopic
- 0x2E80-0x2EFF han
- 0x2F00-0x2FDF han
- 0x2FF0-0x2FFF han
- 0x3000-0x303F han
- 0x3040-0x309F hiragana
- 0x30A0-0x30FF katakana
- 0x3100-0x312F bopomofo
- 0x3130-0x318F hangul
- 0x3190-0x319F kanbun
- 0x31A0-0x31BF bopomofo
- 0x31C0-0x31EF han
- 0x31F0-0x31FF katakana
- 0x3300-0x9FFF han
- 0xA000-0xA4CF yi
- 0xA800-0xA82F syloti_nagri
- 0xA840-0xA87F phags-pa
- 0xAC00-0xD7AF hangul
- 0xF900-0xFAFF han
- 0xFB50-0xFDFF arabic_presentation_forms-a
- 0xFE30-0xFE4F han
- 0xFE70-0xFEFF arabic
- 0x10000-0x100FF linear_b
- 0x10300-0x1032F old_italic
- 0x10330-0x1034F gothic
- 0x10380-0x1039F ugaritic
- 0x103A0-0x103DF old_persian
- 0x10400-0x1044F deseret
- 0x10450-0x1047F shavian
- 0x10480-0x104AF osmanya
- 0x10800-0x1083F cypriot
- 0x10900-0x1091F phoenician
- 0x10A00-0x10A5F kharoshthi
- 0x12000-0x1247F cuneiform
- 0x1D200-0x1D24F greek
- 0x20000-0x2A6DF han
- 0x2F800-0x2FA1F han